Research + Policy

Actionable research leads to smart policy and mobilizes effective practice.​​

Decades of existing research demonstrate that career-connected learning transforms student engagement and outcomes – increasing proficiencies and graduation rates to build highly skilled, highly qualified local talent. ​​

Employer Insights Assessment​

It’s imperative to understand local employer needs, challenges, and opportunities. The Employer Insights Assessment identifies skill gaps, credentials of value, and hardest-to-fill jobs, and surfaces other employer insights. Understanding the collective voice of employers and industries provides the foundation for educational programs tailored to local opportunities.​

Career-Connected Communities​

Connecting existing research and best practice with quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis at the local or state level, we provide solid strategies and action for building truly career-connected communities with dynamic talent development pipelines. ​​

Attracting and Leveraging Grants and Funding Streams​

With decades of experience, we help you attract and leverage federal and state dollars to achieve education, workforce, and economic development goals:​​
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act​ (WIOA)​
  • Perkins V​
  • Community Service Block Grants​​
  • Local, regional, and state education, workforce, and economic development departments​​

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